№ | Ovoz berishga qo‘yilgan masalalar/Вопросы, поставленные на голосование/Questions put to the vote | Ovoz berish yakunlari (yoqlash) %/Итоги голосования за %/Results of voting for % | Ovoz berish yakunlari (yoqlash) /Итоги голосования за количество/Results of voting for the number of | Ovoz berish yakunlari (qarshi) %/Итоги голосования против %/Results of the vote against % | Ovoz berish yakunlari (qarshi)/Итоги голосования против количество/The results of the vote against the number | Ovoz berish yakunlari (betaraflar) %/Итоги голосования воздержались %/The results of the vote abstained % | Ovoz berish yakunlari (betaraflar)/Итоги голосования воздержались количество/Voting results abstained number |
1 | “Farg‘onaazot” AJ kuzatuv kengashi a’zolarining vakolatlarini muddatidan ilgari tugatish. | 100 | 32670483 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2 | “Farg‘onaazot” AJ kuzatuv kengashi a’zolarini saylash. | 100 | 32670483 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3 | “Farg‘onaazot” AJning taftish komissiyasini muddatidan ilgari tugatish. | 100 | 32670483 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
№ | Matn/Текст/Text |
1. “Farg‘onaazot” AJ kuzatuv kengashi a’zolarining vakolatlarini muddatidan ilgari tugatish. | Regarding the first issue on the agenda: Regarding the letter of Indorama Petchem B.V. #FA/006/2024 (attached) dated from May 21th, 2024, it was requested to terminate the authorities of the Excecutive body of the company the following candidates to the supervisory board ahead of period: In accordance with Article 59 of the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Protection of Joint-Stock Companies and Shareholders‘ rights" and the company‘s charter, to identify the number and an early completion of authorities of the Company‘s Supervisory Board Members is determined as a part of competence of general meeting of shareholders. Regarding the issue on the agenda (32 670 483 of votes, 100 %) it was decided: The completion of authorities of “Farg‘onaazot” JSC‘s Supervisory Board Members must be terminated on May 23, 2024. Kun tartibidagi birinchi masala bo‘yicha: Indorama Petchem B.Vning 2024-yil 21-maydagi FA/006/2024-son xati (ilova qilinadi)da jamiyatning kuzatuv kengashi a’zolarini vakolatlarini muddatidan ilgari tugatish so‘ralgan: O‘zbekiston Respublikasining “Aksiyadorlik jamiyatlari va aksiyadorlarning huquqlarini himoya qilish to‘g‘risida”gi Qonuni 59-moddasiga va jamiyat ustaviga muvofiq jamiyat kuzatuv kengashi a’zolarining son tarkibini belgilash, ularning a’zolarini saylash va a’zolarning vakolatlarini muddatidan ilgari tugatish aksiyadorlarning umumiy yig‘ilishining vakolat doirasiga kirishi belgilangan. Kun tartibidagi masalalar yuzasidan qaror qilindi (32 670 483 dona ovoz, 100 %): “Farg‘onaazot” AJ kuzatuv kengashi a’zolarining vakolatlari 2024-yil 23-mayda muddatidan ilgari tugatilsin. |
2. “Farg‘onaazot” AJ kuzatuv kengashi a’zolarini saylash. | Regarding the second point on the agenda: According to Article 76 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Protection of Joint-Stock Companies and Shareholders'Rights" and the company's charter, members of the Supervisory Board of the company are elected by the general meeting of shareholders for a period of three years. Regarding the letter of Indorama Petchem B.V. #FA/006/2024 (attached) dated from May 21th, 2024, it was proposed to elect the following candidates to the membership of supervisory board: 1. Prakash Kejriwal Singapore 2. Rahul Singh Indian 3. Bagawatiswar Krishna Iyer (Independent director) Singapore 4. Vishnu Swaroop Baldwa Indonesia 5. Ganesh Kumar Chaudhary Indian 6. Alisher Abdullaev Uzbekistan 7. Hartmut Otto Hengstwerth Deutsch 8. Shokhrukhmirzo Sattarov Uzbekistan 9. Farrukh Djalilov Uzbekistan It was decided on the point on the agenda ( 32 670 483 one vote, 100 %): The following candidates should be elected to the Supervisory Board of JSC "Ferganazot" (for a period of 3 years): 1. Prakash Kejriwal Singapore 2. Rahul Singh Indian 3. Bagawatiswar Krishna Iyer (Independent director) Singapore 4. Vishnu Swaroop Baldwa Indonesia 5. Ganesh Kumar Chaudhary Indian 6. Alisher Abdullaev Uzbekistan 7. Hartmut Otto Hengstwerth Deutsch 8. Shokhrukhmirzo Sattarov Uzbekistan 9. Farrukh Djalilov Uzbekistan Kun tartibidagi ikkinchi masala bo‘yicha: O‘zbekiston Respublikasining “Aksiyadorlik jamiyatlari va aksiyadorlarning huquqlarini himoya qilish to‘g‘risida”gi Qonuni 76-moddasi va jamiyat ustaviga asosan, jamiyat kuzatuv kengashi a’zolarini aksiyadorlarning umumiy yig‘ilishi tomonidan uch yil muddatga saylanashini belgilangan. Indorama Petchem B.Vning 2024-yil 21-maydagi FA/006/2024-son xati (ilova qilinadi)da quyidagi nomzodlarni kuzatuv kengashi a’zoligiga saylash taklifi kiritilgan: 1. Prakash Kejriwal Singapur 2. Rahul Singh Hindiston 3. Bagawatiswar Krishna Iyer (Mustaqil a’zo) Singapur 4. Vishnu Swaroop Baldwa Indoneziya 5. Ganesh Kumar Chaudhary Hindiston 6. Alisher Abdullaev O‘zbekiston 7. Hartmut Otto Hengstwerth Germaniya 8. Shokhrukhmirzo Sattarov O‘zbekiston 9. Farrukh Djalilov O‘zbekiston Kun tartibidagi masalalar yuzasidan qaror qilindi (32 670 483 dona ovoz, 100 %): “Farg‘onaazot” AJ kuzatuv kengashi tarkibiga (3 yil muddatga) quyidagi nomzodlar saylansin: 1. Prakash Kejriwal Singapur 2. Rahul Singh Hindiston 3. Bagawatiswar Krishna Iyer (Mustaqil a’zo) Singapur 4. Vishnu Swaroop Baldwa Indoneziya 5. Ganesh Kumar Chaudhary Hindiston 6. Alisher Abdullaev O‘zbekiston 7. Hartmut Otto Hengstwerth Germaniya 8. Shokhrukhmirzo Sattarov O‘zbekiston 9. Farrukh Djalilov O‘zbekiston |
3. “Farg‘onaazot” AJning taftish komissiyasini muddatidan ilgari tugatish. | Regarding the third point on the agenda: Regarding the letter of Indorama Petchem B.V. #FA/006/2024 (attached) dated from May 21th, 2024, it was proposed to terminate the Revision Comission authorities bedore ahead the assignated period: In accordance with Article 59 of the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the protection of Joint-Stock Companies and shareholders rights” it is established that the election of members of the Revision Commission (auditor) and the early termination of their powers, as well as the approval of the regulation on the Revision Commission (auditor) is determined to be within the scope of authority of the general meeting of shareholders. Regarding the issue on the agenda (32 670 483 votes, 100 %) it was decided: Early terminate the Revision Commission of the “Farg‘onaazot” JSC from May 23, 2024 and the Regulation on the “Revision Commission” approved by the Minutes of the general meeting of shareholders of the Society on June 30, 2016 should be considered as invalid. Kun tartibidagi uchinchi masala bo‘yicha: Indorama Petchem B.Vning 2024-yil 21-maydagi FA/0062024-son xati (ilova qilinadi)da jamiyatning taftish komissiyasi vakolatlarini muddatidan ilgari tugatish so‘ralgan: O‘zbekiston Respublikasining “Aksiyadorlik jamiyatlari va aksiyadorlarning huquqlarini himoya qilish to‘g‘risida”gi Qonuni 59-moddasiga muvofiq jamiyat taftish komissiyasining a’zolarini (taftishchisini) saylash va ularning vakolatlarini muddatidan ilgari tugatish, shuningdek taftish komissiyasi (taftishchi) to‘g‘risidagi nizomni tasdiqlash aksiyadorlarning umumiy yig‘ilishining vakolat doirasiga kirishi belgilangan. Kun tartibidagi masalalar yuzasidan qaror qilindi (32 670 483 dona ovoz, 100 %): “Farg‘onaazot” AJning taftish komissiyasi 2024-yil 23-mayda muddatidan ilgari tugatilsin va jamiyat aksiyadolarining 2016-yil 30-iyundagi umumiy yig‘ilishi bayonnomasi bilan tasdiqlangan “Taftish komissiyasi to‘g‘risida”gi nizomi o‘z kuchini yo‘qotgan deb topilsin. |
№ | F.I.Sh/Ф.И.О./Full name | Shaxs a’zosi hisoblangan emitent organining nomi/Наименование органа эмитента, членом которого является лицо/Name of the issuer's agency of which the person is a member | To‘lov turi (haq va (yoki) kompensatsiyalar)/Вид выплаты (вознаграждения и (или) компенсация)/Type of payment (remuneration and (or) compensation) | Hisoblangan summa (so‘m)/Начисленная сумма (сум)/Accrued amount (sum) | Mablag‘lar hisoblangan davr/Период, за который начислены средства/The period for which the funds were accrued | To‘lov nazarda tutilgan emitent hujjati/Документ, котором предусмотрена выплата/The document that provides for the payment |
№ | F.I.Sh/Ф.И.О./Full name | Ish joyi/Место работы/Place of work | Lavozimi/Должность/Post | Egamizdagi aktsiyalar turi/Тип принадлежащих акций/Type of shares held | Egamizdagi aksiyalar soni/Количество принадлежащих акций/Number of shares owned | Ovozlar soni/Количество голосов/Number of votes |
1 | Prakash Kejriwal | Singapur | Indorama Petchem B.V. xodimi | - | 0 | 0 |
2 | Rahul Singh | Hindiston | Indorama Petchem B.V. xodimi | - | 0 | 0 |
3 | Bagawatiswar Krishna Iyer (Mustaqil a’zo) | Singapur | Indorama Petchem B.V. xodimi | - | 0 | 0 |
4 | Vishnu Swaroop Baldwa | Indoneziya | Indorama Petchem B.V. xodimi | - | 0 | 0 |
5 | Ganesh Kumar Chaudhary | Hindiston | Indorama Petchem B.V. xodimi | - | 0 | 0 |
6 | Alisher Abdullaev | O‘zbekiston | Indorama Petchem B.V. xodimi | - | 0 | 0 |
7 | Hartmut Otto Hengstwerth | Germaniya | Indorama Petchem B.V. xodimi | - | 0 | 0 |
8 | Shokhrukhmirzo Sattarov | O‘zbekiston | Indorama Petchem B.V. xodimi | - | 0 | 0 |
9 | Farrukh Djalilov | O‘zbekiston | Indorama Petchem B.V. xodimi | - | 0 | 0 |